This interview is part of the Leadership During the Time of COVID-19 series.
Albert Chang, MD is the Medical Director of the Student Health Center at UCI. Dr. Chang has specialties in Pediatrics and preventive care and attended medical school at Boston University School of Medicine. Dr. Chang’s areas of practice include Health Promotion, Disease Prevention, Preventative Medicine, Quality Measures and Process Improvements, and Implementation Science.
During this interview, Dr. Chang speaks about COVID-19’s virus diagnosis, symptoms, treatment, preventive measures, and psychological and emotional effects.
Additional resources discussed during the interview:
OC Health Care Agency COVID-19 Information https://occovid19.ochealthinfo.com/
University of California, Irvine COVID-19 information https://uci.edu/coronavirus/faq/index.php
University of California, Irvine Student Health Center https://shc.uci.edu/
The Covid-19 Pandemic Update with Dr. Albert Chang https://www.pavlyfe.com/episode-04-the-covid-19-pandemic-update-with-dr-albert-chang/